The Uhuru Sacred Bath Kit


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Uhuru Sacred Bath Kit

This relaxing bath kit assists with gaining
freedom from traumas. Release and be free. As you release someone, you release yourself. Dissolve what you wish to release.

Uhuru oil: essential oil blend of frankincense, sandalwood, Lavender, Jasmine, almond oil, lavender, chamomile.
Rose Quartz
Uhuru Bath Salt Soak
Hibiscus Tea Blend
Natural Sea Sponge
Mini manifesting journal
Uhuru Incense

Add oil blend (preferably not the whole bottle) to your bath water. Caution oil is slippery. You can apply the oil to damp skin after your bath.

Feel the energy of peace and reclaiming your time.

Use a Natural cleaner on tub prior. Clean and Sage walls and floors to clear your atmosphere. While saging practice fireSafety.
If you have a mirror look into it stare into the abyss of your eyes. Say "I love you, " and mean it feel the butterflies of self love start to rumble.
Speak life and love to your water say, "I love you. "
Include safety instructions. Disclaimer: I assume no liability for any injuries caused, please use safety and common sense. Oil and bath salt, is slippery enter, exits, and enjoy bath time safely. EssentIal oils are diluted with almond oil, yet some are sensitive to certain oils discontinue use if irritation occurs and instead use oils in diffuser and smell instead. Never ingest oils, bath salt soaks. Do not fall asleep in tub. do not light near flammable objects, trim wick 1/8" before use.