Soul Tuner Aura & Space Spray


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A yoga studio favorite!

to balance and align your chakras --
Meditation. Yoga. Aromatherapy. (Body and Space spray).

Calendula-Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) our creative center. Imbalances it works on: Flow of blockages, relationship problems, sexual energy, softening emotional wounds, clear creative blocks, anxiety, phobias
▼ Mantra-I feel

Lavender- Crown Chakra (Saharshara)
Connecting to universal or Source of Energy. Wisdom and enlightenment.
Imbalances: feeling disconnected spiritually, lack of direction or purpose, depression, learning difficulties mental health, migraines.
▼ Mantra-I understand (innerstand)

Chamomile- Solar Plexus (Manipura) 3rd Chakra
Standing in our truth and personal power, resonating with higher knowledge while co-creating with the mundane. Self, personal development
Imbalances - self esteem(lack), hidden truths
▼Mantra-I AM

Rose- Heart chakra (Anahata) Fourth Chakra Higher consciousness and love. Governs relationships (friends and committed)
Imbalances- lack of self discipline, difficulty in relationships, an attempt to vicariously live through another, dependence on someone else for your happiness (fun fact: green is the primary color used with the heart chakra)
▼ Mantra-I love

Rosemary-Root Chakra

This is pertaining to the herbs in an infusion not a tea, as in tea I'm some cases, acombination of chakras are helped per herb. I.e. chamomile tea activates the Heart and sacral chakra .

Meditate, use for yoga, use as fragrance mist, toner, altar cleaner, refreshing cooling mist at festivals.
2.75 oz.
Lavender water, rose water, lavender buds, rosemary, clear quartz crystals, chamomille, rosebuds, calendula petals and good intentions. *comes with a free gift!
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